Full Disclosure: I didn’t get to watch the PBS Frontline report on the so-called Haditha incident. However, two people whose opinions on such matters I greatly respect say that PBS got it right.

Jules Crittenden, “Rules of Engagement” remains a worthwhile and balanced look at the situation.

Uncle Jimbo, aka James Hanson, Retired Special Operations Master Sergeant, “In a shocking turn of events the PBS documentary on Haditha was overwhelmingly even-handed and convinced me they should face no punishment. The show was fair and I have no complaints about bias or slant. This is what PBS ought to do all the time.”

For a detailed look at the Haditha incident, don’t miss Uncle Jimbo’s analysis at Pajamas Media.

Pundit Review has been on the front lines, so to speak, covering the Haditha incident through the eyes of the family of exonerated Haditha Marine Lance Cpl. Justin Sharratt. We had the first radio interview with Justin after he was cleared of all charges,

“With the dismissal of these charges LCpl Sharratt may fairly conclude that he did his best to live up to the standards, followed by U.S. Fighting men throughout our many wars, in the face of life or death decisions made in a matter of seconds in combat. And as he has always remained cloaked in the presumption of innocence, with this dismissal of charges, he remains in the eyes of the law – and in my eyes – innocent.”

Having been accused of “cold blooded murder” by his own congressman, John Murtha, Justin Sharratt joined us to describe what this ordeal has been like for him and his family,

Darryl Sharatt, Justin’s father, joined us to describe the pain this has caused his family. He also told us an incredible story about Murtha. Mr Sharrattmade 53 phone calls over 18 months, before getting a return call from Murtha! Can you imagine? A congressman, YOUR congressman, accusing your son of “cold blooded murder of innocent women and children” and not having the dignity to return a phone call for eighteen months! Talk about outrageous.

John Murtha should have been censured by Congress for his shameless exploitation of the Hadita Marines. Murtha disgraced himself and tarnished the reputations of dozens of young men who were half a world away fighting and dying for their country. The true travesty of the Haditha incident is how it was handeled by the media, and self-promoting political scum like John Murtha.

Darryl Sharratt got emotional talking about how his son’s desire to be a career Marine had been ruined. He wants Murtha to be held accountable but he’s realistic about the chances of an official reprimand from Congress (ed. note: that he so richly deserves). His frustration is understandable,

Bruce McQuain from QandO was also with us. Bruce, a Vietnam veteran, spent 28 years in the Army and added some great perspective and observations.

The Haditha incident was a tragedy for all involved, Marines and Iraqi’s alike. There is no question about that. Finally, we are getting to a point of consensus around the incident itself, it was NOT as it was widely reported, a “massacre”.