Well, this could have easily happened in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts too I guess.

But today in the Capital rotunda in Sacramento California a group of students from a youth leadership conference were rebuked by state troopers for singing the “Star-Spangled Banner” and “God Bless America.”
Here is how the group of students from the same conference sounded two years ago. I am assuming that it probably didn’t sound that much different today.

According to World Net Daily:

In comments published on FlashReport, she elaborated: “A few years ago the students started the tradition of singing our national anthem in the rotunda at the end of the mock legislative session. While they were at the capitol today, the students wanted a practice run before their legislative session on the Assembly and Senate floors this Saturday. One student suggested singing God Bless America as well as the national anthem, and the other students enthusiastically agreed.

“Just moments after the students finished their impromptu patriotic expression, no less than four CHP officers descended upon the rotunda, along with two sergeant-at-arms. They confronted our staff and demanded to know why our students were singing in the rotunda without a permit from the rules committee. Apparently in the five minutes it took to sing the two patriotic songs, someone had called security and complained,” she wrote.

“The City on the Hill students were absolutely shocked … Why would their elected officials send armed guards to stop them from expressing such love for their country? And why do citizens need a permit to sing patriotic songs in their public buildings?” she said.

That’s a very good question. Perhaps those patriotic pro-American Democrats who control the rules committee who, according to the WND report, sent security to rebuke the students, could answer that question.

And Democrats get bent out of shape when some questions their “patriotism?”

Outrageous. But not surprising given the fact that most of our so called “Democrats” here in California are nothing less than a bunch of anti-American Stalinits.