If you thought it was pretty hypocritical of Al Gore to talk about the need for energy conservation while he travels the world, via private jet, how about Bill Clinton speaking out on the importance of monogamy!


Clinton’s advice to beat Aids: stay faithful

Bill Clinton made a plea yesterday for a new emphasis on monogamy as a key element in the battle against Aids.

“To pretend we can ever get hold of this without dealing with that – the idea of unprotected sexual relations with unlimited numbers of partners – I think would be naïve,” he said.

I know, this is too easy. Bill Clinton, champion of monogamy. Beautiful.

What, was John Edwards not available?

What’s next? Manny Ramirez speaking out on the value of a hard days work for honest day’s pay? Brett Favre on the importance of being decisive? Paris Hilton talking about energy solutions, er, scratch that.

Hat Tip: QandO