Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom. Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970)

Maybe this explains why the political left is so stupid? The left is gunning for Sarah Palin and gleefully using her family to do it. It’s coming from politicians and of course, from their friends in the MSM. Most non-political Americans will find these attacks appalling. Once again, liberals are their own worst enemies. They could screw up a one car funeral.

A moment of sanity from The New Republic, sure to be ignored,

Sarah Palin is a living reminder that the ultimate source of political power in this country is not the Kennedy School or the Davos Summit or an Ariana Huffington salon; even now, power emanates from the electorate itself. More precisely, power in 2008 emanates from the working class electorates of Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Sooner or later, the Obama camp will realize that the beauty pageant queen is an enormously talented populist in a year that is ripe for populism. For their own sake, it had better be sooner.

Jim Geraghty in National Review, gets off the line of the day,

In 72 hours, the media has subjected Bristol Palin to more scrutiny than they’ve given to Barack Obama in two years. Perhaps that’s a mild exaggeration. But pretty darn mild.

The New York Times, on a story involving an actual political figure and an illegitimate baby,

But I think The Times…was far too squeamish about tackling the story. It is … the kind of story that The Times seems instinctively to recoil from.

That was public editor Clark Hoyt , talking about John Edwards, less than a month ago. If I’m not mistaken, Edwards was a contender to be named vice president and was certainly in the mix for a cabinet position.

Today, the New York Times ran three front page stories on 17-year old Bristol Palin’s pregnancy.

As the guys at Powerline said today,

It’s nice to see that they’ve gotten over that squeamish feeling. Seems like we’ve learned something about their priorities, too.

Do gleeful liberals think this baby drama really benefits them? How do you think this compare and contrast will serve them in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania?

Obama on The Choice
I’ve got two daughters, 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals.

But if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby. I don’t want them punished with an STD at the age of 16. You know, so it doesn’t make sense to not give them information. You still want to teach them the morals and the values to make good decisions.

Sarah Palin on The Choice
As [our daughter] faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support…Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family.