Bruce McQuain from Blackfive joined us once again for Someone You Should Know, our weekly tribute to the troops. Bruce spent 28 years in the U.S. Army and he is a veteran of the Vietnam war. He brings a perspective and understanding to these stories that we could never match.

This week Bruce told us about Staff Sgt. Christopher B. Waiters. From an excellent post at North Shore Journal,

Staff Sergeant Christopher Waiters

His former XO said he was awed by Wait ers actions that day, but not surprised.

“This wasn’t the first time Doc Wait ers put him self in harm’s way to help his boys out,” Price said. “He and Doc Miller went on hun dreds of patrols. The guys were always glad to have Doc Wait ers and Doc Miller along because they knew they’d do what ever it took to get our guys back.”

Though he has only a sin gle Pur ple Heart, Wait ers sur vived a num ber of near misses.

“He got hit in the head once in Buhriz in the hel met, got nicked in the shoul der on patrol with us one night north of Baqubah, had a water bot tle shot out from his face ear lier in the deploy ment, and got nicked in the wrist in Old Baqubah,” Price said. “This guy has been in harm’s way many times before this hap pened. He’s being mod est when he says he was just doing his job. The guy is a true hero for what he did.

The Someone You Should Know radio collaboration began as an extension of Matt Burden’s series at Blackfive. Bruce does an incredible job with the series every week. The Pundit Review Radio Podcast RSS feed can be found here.

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