Bruce McQuain from Blackfive joined us once again for Someone You Should Know, our weekly tribute to the troops. Bruce spent 28 years in the U.S. Army and he is a veteran of the Vietnam war. He brings a perspective and understanding to these stories that we could never match.

This week Bruce told us about Army SSG William C. Moore, who was posthumously awarded the Silver Star,

As soon as SSG Moore established his position he realized that several Paratroopers from his platoon were still in jeopardy, occupying the ground floor of the building that had been struck. Again, disregarding his own safety a second time, he left a covered position with continuous accurate enemy small arms and RPG fire striking all around him, still refusing medical treatment, and knowingly exposed himself to the enemy as he rushed from his position to reenter the building in order to rally his Paratroopers and move them to a safe location. As soon as SSG Moore entered the room, the building was struck by a second vehicle borne improvised explosive device causing the whole building to collapse upon the Paratroopers that remained inside. As the rest of the Troop rushed forward to free the trapped Paratroopers, SSG Moore, though mortally wounded, was able to alert the rescuers to his and another Paratroopers location by calling out and fighting to push the rubble off himself and his buried Paratroopers.

SSG Moore’s heroic actions were directly responsible for preventing further casualties to his platoon, safeguarding his wounded Paratroopers and rallying his section until he was mortally wounded. His courage under fire is in keeping with the finest traditions of military heroism and reflects distinct credit upon himself, Task Force Headhunter, the 82nd Airborne Division, and the United States Army.

The Someone You Should Know radio collaboration began as an extension of Matt Burden’s series at Blackfive. Bruce does an incredible job with the series every week. The SYSK archive can be found here and The Pundit Review Radio Podcast RSS feed can be found here and you can find us on iTunes at Pundit Review Radio.

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