Strawman: a weak or sham argument set up to be easily refuted

I noticed recently on Twitter that John Walsh, chairman of the Massachusetts Democratic Party, has taken to calling Scott Brown “Kentucky’s Third Senator”. He’s expanded on the theme with a column in the Cape Cod Times built upon a central casting Strawman: Is Scott Brown a maverick?

Opening sentence, “There’s a rumor going around that Scott Brown is a maverick.” Um, no there isn’t. Not even close. It goes on,

“You may have read about it on this very page. Like many rumors about politicians, it’s spreading like wildfire and completely untrue. Scott Brown is no maverick.”


Walsh’s main argument is “the fact that he’s (Brown) more interested in serving his party than the citizens of the Commonwealth.”

Pretty strong claim. Ignores a lot of evidence too.

Brown offers amendment to kill medical device tax

WASHINGTON—Senator Scott Brown filed an amendment today that would remove the 2.3 percent tax on medical device companies from the Senate reconciliation bill.

…“Placing a tax on medical devices, in my opinion and in their opinion, would dramatically affect jobs — not only in Massachusetts but throughout the country,” Brown said today on the Senate floor. “I hope we will look twice about what we’re trying to do here in order to pay for the so-called health care bill.”

Well, what do you know, Boston Scientific to lay off 1,200-plus

To be fair, Boston Scientific has a host of problems, including digesting Guident, one of the worst acquisitions ever. Still, more taxes sure aren’t part of the solution. Massachusetts is a leader in medical devices and Scott Brown was out to protect them, period.

Back to the column, Walsh cites, you guessed it, Kentucky’s own Mitch McConnell as proof of Brown’s misplaced priorities. Brown votes with McConnell 90% of the time says Walsh!

A pretty off-base assessment of Scott Brown and the Republican party if you ask me.

McConnell is viewed as an establishment, moderate Republican, considered by many in the GOP to be a RINO, too willing to make deals. He is despised by conservatives. If you don’t believe me, ask Erick Erickson, head of,

If You Support Mitch McConnell, We Don’t Support You

I am instituting a new policy here at RedState. In the future, as we support candidates for the U.S. Senate in Republican Primaries, we will not support any candidate who goes on the record supporting Mitch McConnell as Senate Republican Leader.

What does the Tea Party think of Mitch McConnell?

Press Release Headline: Tea Party Rips “Boehner-McConnell RINOs” for Debt Ceiling Cave-In

How about Tea Party congressmen Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), who went on MSNBC and called McConnell’s debt ceiling plan, “an entirely stupid idea.”

This is an especially peculiar time to try and turn Scott Brown into “Kentucky’s Third Senator” considering all the praise being thrown McConnell’s way by the likes of partisan Democrats Harry Reid and Dick Durbin,

Harry Reid

“I commend him (McConnell) for his thoughtful and unique proposal, something that we have to look at very closely. I’m heartened by what I read. This is a serious proposal, and I commend the Republican leader for coming forward with it.”

Dick Durbin

a “positive and thoughtful response” to the need to raise the debt ceiling.

Oh no, not The Real Maverick?
John McCain

“The last-case emergency proposal that Senator McConnell outlined yesterday is a smart, forward-looking plan to make clear to all Americans that should we get to August 2nd without an agreement, it is President Obama alone—and not Republicans in Congress—who decides whether to raise the debt limit, and owns the economic consequences of any default. I applaud Senator McConnell for his leadership.”

Bottom Line: Grass roots conservatives and the Tea Party consider Mitch McConnell a RINO because of his willingness to compromise.

John Walsh is confirming that Scott Brown is who he told us he was, and, he’s doing what he said he would in Washington.

They must be running out of Strawmen, though somehow I doubt it.