Bruce McQuain from Blackfive joined us once again for Someone You Should Know, our weekly tribute to the troops. Bruce spent 28 years in the U.S. Army and he is a veteran of the Vietnam war. He brings a perspective and understanding to these stories that we could never match.
I must say, a very fitting finale to Someone You Should Know on WRKO. A story about three Medal of Honor receipients from the Battle of Saipan
Thank you Bruce for all you’ve contributed to Pundit Review Radio. Nothing brought more positive feedback than this segment. I can say without a doubt, that whatever time and preparation it took you tell these stories, it was appreciated by countless listeners of the show.
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What is Pundit Review Radio?
On Boston’s Talk Station WRKO since 2005, Pundit Review Radio is where the old media meets the new. Each week we give voice to the work of the most influential leaders in the new media/citizen journalist revolution. Called “groundbreaking” by Talkers Magazine, this unique show brings the best of the blogs to the radio every Sunday evening from 6-8pm on AM680 WRKO, Boston’s Talk Station.