Sarah Palin

Kevin on September 1st, 2008

Sarah Palin is a game changer, is there any doubt after this weekend? She has simultaneously energized the conservative base AND independents. I am truly shocked by how well this pick has been received. Conservatives have been waiting for McCain to stick his finger in their eye once again. With this pick, he has shocked […]

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Kevin on September 1st, 2008

Bruce McQuain from QandO joined me last night and we discussed, among other things, the selection of Sarah Palin. Bruce, like me, was not bowled over at first. Then he watched her introductory press conference and saw the groundswell of support for the pick. We discussed how this changes the game, and how it is […]

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Word this morning is that John McCain is going to announce Alaska governor of two years Sarah Palin as his running mate. Pro’s: She’s a women, obviously. However, I think McCain is overthinking this if he thinks just simply putting a women on the ticket will bring disaffected Hillary supporters into the fold. That’s a […]

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