One of the under appreciated outrages of Obama’s first term was his NLRB treatment of Boeing. Here is a good summary from QandO, One of the reasons the South has thrived while the Rust Belt has, well, rusted, is companies have taken advantage of the “right to work†rules in most Southern states to locate […]
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The New York Times is reporting tonight, Bill Clinton to Have Key Convention Role WASHINGTON — Former President Bill Clinton is set to play a central part in the Democratic convention, aides said, and will formally place President Obama’s name into nomination by delivering a prime-time speech designed to present a forceful economic argument for why Mr. Obama […]
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Walter Olson is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute’s Center for Constitutional Studies. He is also the man behind a great blog, Overlawyered, that turns 13 today! Congratulations! Finally, Walter is the author of a great book, Schools for Misrule: Legal Academia and an Overlawyered America. Tonight he returned to Pundit Review Radio to […]
It was great to welcome back to WRKO Four Tier Strategies media hound co-founder Brad Marston. In addition to his political consulting work, Brad has become quite the pundit as well, appearing frequently as a commentator on Fox 25 Boston and even Al Jazeera. Tonight we obviously talked about Obamacare and the decision made by Chief Justice Roberts. Bottom […]
Katie Pavlich has been out of college for two years yet she’s already schooled the entire Washington DC press corps with her reporting on Fast & Furious. Just an amazing job. She’s written a book now, Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up. I’ve followed this story for a year, and I learned […]
I welcomed my friend Jonathan Lewis back to the show this weekend. Jonathan is a liberal and someone I really enjoy talking politics with. Last time he was on, the conversation was mostly about the fine art of political discourse, agreeing to disagree without becoming disagreeable. That said, we never did get around to disagreeing […]
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From WRKO tonight, a few thoughts on Treyvon Martin, George Zimmerman and the vultures. Or, why Jesse Jackson is the reason you’ve never heard of Don Thompson. The Pundit Review Radio Podcast RSS feed can be found here and you can find us on iTunes at Pundit Review Radio. What is Pundit Review Radio? On […]
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