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George W. Bush, Republican National Convention, September 2, 2004,

Others understand the historic importance of our work. The terrorists know. They know that a vibrant, successful democracy at the heart of the Middle East will discredit their radical ideology of hate. (Applause.) They know that men and women with hope and purpose and dignity do not strap bombs on their bodies and kill the innocent. (Applause.) The terrorists are fighting freedom with all their cunning and cruelty because freedom is their greatest fear — and they should be afraid, because freedom is on the march.

BEIRUT, Lebanon Feb 28, 2005

Pro-Sryian Gov’t Resigns

(ABC) With shouts of “Syria out!” 25,000 protesters massed outside Parliament in
a dramatic display of defiance that forced out Lebanon’s pro-Syrian prime
minister and Cabinet Monday, two weeks after the assassination of a popular
politician touched off increasing unrest.

Syria remained silent about the rapidly changing atmosphere in Beirut, where it ruled unopposed for years, even deciding on the Lebanon’s leaders, after deploying troops ostensibly as peacekeepers during the 1975-90 civil war.

Pro-democracy agitation sweeps ex-Soviet states
The Christian Science Monitor, Feb 24, 2005

From Kyrgyzstan on the Chinese border to Moldova, where Europe’s only ruling
Communist Party faces elections next month, opposition parties are eagerly
studying Georgia’s “Rose Revolution” and Ukraine’s “Orange Revolution,” which
led to the triumph of pro-democracy forces.

Georgian President Mikhael Saakashvili and newly inaugurated Ukrainian
President Viktor Yushchenko were clearly addressing their former Soviet
colleagues last month when they hailed their revolts as the leading edge of “a
new wave of liberation that will lead to the final victory of freedom and
democracy on the continent of Europe.”

Bill at INDCJournal points us to Jeff G. at Protein Wisdom who has his own unique take and Captain Ed’s great post