Trey Jackson has video of that Dick in the Senate apologizing. Please watch it. What do you think? I’m glad he apologized yet I believe his true feelings were revealed in his original statement. For a differnt take, Dean Esmay diasgrees.

Durbin’s comments aren’t outrage enough for him to lose his leadership position in the Democrat party, just enough to have to eeek out an unconvincing apology. I wonder what Trent Lott thinks of that? He eeeked out and unconvincing apology and had to give up his leadership position! Bummer.

What a day for Nancy Pelosi. First, she defends Durbin while he is on the other side of the Capitol apologizing,

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California had earlier on Tuesday described Republican criticism of Durbin as an attempt to divert attention from sinking public support for the Iraq war.Yet Durbin decided to try to end the controversy, saying, “I offer my apology for those offended by my words.”

Then she unintentionally reveals the liberal strategy,

When a reporter asked Pelosi Tuesday whether the House would some day get to a point where it would vote to cut off funding for military operations in Iraq, she replied, â??The public will get there first. Their approval of this war is down to 37 percent in todayâ??s poll; in March, it was 47 percent to 47 percent.”

She wasn’t done.

â??How can they defend this war?â? she asked.

I ask, how can she say that and claim to support the troops?

And finally, she proved herself, and her party, woefully unprepared to protect this country,

“These questions are important because the safety of our country depends on our reputation and how we are viewed, especially in the Muslim world,” she said.

Our reputation keeps us safe? If only we hadn’t been so mean to these savages during the past few years, we would be safe today? If it wasn’t for Bush and his Iraq war our reputation would be great. What ignorance.

How was our reputation when the Islamo fascists stormed our embassy in Iran twenty six years ago?

Or when they bombed the barracks in Lebanon.
Or Pan Am Flight 103.
Or the Khobar Towers.
Or the embassy bombing in Kenya.
Or the embassy bombing in Tanzania.
Or the attack on the USS Cole.
Oh yeah, that thing that happened in 2001, they did that too.

This is your modern day Democrat party. Worrying about how people feel who have been killing us for a quarter century. If she and her fellow liberal Demiocrats are so worried about our reputation, why are they so ready and willing to slander our troops?

Their true colors are plain to see. They cannot protect us. God help us if they get back in power.