After President Bush spoke of the antiterror efforts at the National Endowment for Democracy Thursday, Senator Kerry had this to say:

Every American agrees we must win the war on terror, but after today’s speech every American is still waiting to hear the president offer any specifics about how we will win or how he will clean up a terrorist mess in Iraq that didn’t exist before the invasion.

The left’s public comments (quagmire, our military are Nazis, we are losing, we created the terrorists, we invaded Iraq illegally, illegal occupation, war for oil, etc…) do more to “create” jihadist terrorists than a robust Bush doctrine of pre-emptive war could ever do. Their comments are causing us to wage an emasculated war on terror that can only be waged with aggressive force and effective intelligence gathering. Yet, liberals like Kerry continue to provide the jihadists with ripe agitprop to use as recruiting tools.

Also, it is crucial to point out that not “all Americans want to win the war on terror.” as the admitted war criminal Kerry asserts. I would argue that in fact, there are many on the left who view America as the villain who would like to see nothing more than the American military failure in Iraq and in the larger WOT. While there may be some on the left who genuinely feel that we are going about things the wrong way strategically in Iraq it is true that they do hope that we are victorious. But the mainstream Democrats -Michael Moore, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, the ACLU,the Daily kos, Algore,, Soros, Pelosi, Reid, Kerry, and Clinton-the kook fringe who have become the heart and soul of the modern day Dem party-I believe, want to see us fail and would be secretly gleeful if another 9-11 were to occur in this country. Remember, they are the domestic insurgents who are every bit as dangerous to this country’s welfare as is Al Qaeda. Might not be “pc” to say it, but it is the truth.

As for Bush’s plan not including “specifics.” Senator Kerry, the president has defined victory consistently. when all the terrorists who seek to kill Americans are dead we can declare victory, and this will be a long tough slog. I know that you probably have never had too many tough “slogs” at St. Paul’s, Yale, marrying rich heiresses, and flying back and forth from the mansions in Nantucket, Sun Valley, Parris, and Beacon Hill, but this WOT will require patience, sacrifice, and a modicum of discretion especially when commenting publically about the war. Words have consequences as you should know by now (“I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it…”) So get back to missing 80% of your Senate Intelligence meetingsa and strap on those tight spandex pants you wear when yo go windsurfing and let the men in the Bush Administration take care of killing the bad guys.