Laura Bush, not George, but Laura Bush, could not even go on Good Morning America to talk about the White House C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S tree without the media hounding her about….Iraq. Classy move by the approporiately named Jessica Yellin. Went over well.

The invaluable Newsbusters has more,

ABCâ??s Jessica Yellin, live on Wednesdayâ??s Good Morning America, exploited First Lady Laura Bushâ??s tour of White House Christmas displays, cards and decorations to hit her with an emotion-laden inquiry about regretting the war in Iraq

Read the whole transcript.

When will they learn? Not anytime soon according to Fred Barnes

CONSERVATIVES are justifiably proud of the alternative they’ve created to the mainstream media–the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, big regional papers, TV networks, and the national news magazine. Last year, conservative talk radio, websites, and bloggers forced the Swift Boats vets story onto the national media agenda and instantly destroyed 60 Minutes’s case against President Bush and his Texas Air National Guard service. But conservatives shouldn’t get triumphal. The mainstream media still rules.

He’s right. Bloggers have completely changed the game, the monopoly over news is over that is a great thing to be proud of. Competition is always good. But the truth is that new media is not anywhere near as big or influencial as it needs to be to fully thwart the MSM.

We covered this topic back
in October after Danny Glover at National Journal raised the issue of how effective have bloggers been on Capitol Hill.

What do you think?