Media Bias

Kevin on June 25th, 2011

Everyone makes verbal gaffes. Here’s candidate Obama talking about campaigning in 57 states so far, “with one to go”. Funny, yes. Worth some good natured ribbing, sure thing. A sign of anything else? No. A verbal gaffe, the kind everyone makes from time to time. THIS however is something else entirely. This is an inexcusable […]

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Kevin on June 20th, 2009

President Obama yucks it up with the Beltway lapdogs press corps.

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Kevin on April 29th, 2009

The New York Post has a retrospective on Obama’s 100 days. They say 100 Days, 100 Mistakes. This is just over the top Obama bashing if you ask me. I read their list and there are no more than 87 legitimate mistakes. My favorite review of this meaningless, media contrived number is from Reason, Obama’s […]

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Kevin on April 6th, 2009

Last night I was joined in-studio by Jay Fitzgerald of Boston’s most financially stable daily paper, the Boston Herald and the outstanding Hub Blog as well as Todd Hyten, aka Armchair General Savin Hill, for a discussion about the sudden, near-death experience of the Boston Globe specifically, and newspapers in general. There was a great […]

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Kevin on March 20th, 2009

Puppy love can only last so long. The inside the beltway political intelligensia is just now waking up to a few things about Barack Obama that I have been telling you about for two years. He’s not a great public speaker. He’s never been tested. He’s a solid gold plated phony whose words are meaningless. […]

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Kevin on January 22nd, 2009

What a pleasure to watch the sustained and repeated mediagasms over the past few days. Imagine how bad it could have been if the media really went over the top, LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – President Barack Obama’s inauguration generated an unprecedented 35,000 stories in the world’s major newspapers, television and radio broadcasts over the past […]

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Kevin on December 30th, 2008

I woke up at 4am and watched BBC and CNN International coverage of the war in Gaza. I saw Benjamin Netanyahu destroy a female BBC anchor by turning her moral equivalency back at her. Netanyahu basically told her that blaming Israel for civilian causalities is morally wrong because it is Hamas that is using civilians […]

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