I think that the GOP has put the last nail in their own coffin by failng, last Thursday, to impose even moderate spending discipline led by appropriations Comimittee Chairman Rep. Jerry Lewis of California who ignored the advice of fiscal conservatives on the Republican Study Committee led by Rep. Mike Pence to sunset useless federal agencies and at least vote on a line-item-veto provision.

I agree with Kevin that if Republicans are no longer the party of limited government and can’t even pass modest spending reforms and extension of the 2003 Bush tax cuts which have been enormously successfull in generating sustained economic growth, low inflation, and record low unemployment, then Republicans deserve to be in the minority.

The only way for Republicans to maintain their political majorities in Congress is by acting like the conservative Republicans they were elected to be. We did not elect Republicans to spend like Democrats. Yet they continue to ignore their base who has been warning them for the past few years that govenment spending is a very real concern for average voters.

If they continue to spend like Democrats and tax like Democrats (failure to extend the tax cuts will result in tax increases) we may as well get the real thing- liberal Democrats themselves.

I can’t understand for the life of me how Hastert and the boys in Congress fail to see the hand writing on the wall. We want significant spending cuts, permenency and simplification in the tax code, closed borders, and common sense immigration laws enforced. If the GOP does not arise from their slumber soon, it’s move over Denny and make room for Speaker Pelosi in November.