Those who claim that “same sex marriage” will not radically redefine society and doesn’t “hurt anybody” should consider how it already has and will continue to if the definition of marriage is able to be redefined by activist courts and not by “we the people” the only group who has Constitutional authority to decide legal issues via our elected representitives.

The Blog Know Thy Facts, Not Thy Neighbors has this from the American Family Association Journal:

For many parents in Massachusetts, California, and elsewhere in the U.S., the truth is beginning to dawn on them: They aren’t living in Kansas anymore. Public education is being used to brainwash thousands of children — even as young as kindergarten — into believing that homosexuality is simply a normal and healthy variation of human sexuality.
To be sure, when it comes to the issue of homosexuality, Massachusetts and California have been East Coast-West Coast thoroughbreds that seem to be racing each other for the honor of wackiest state in the country.
Massachusetts got off to an early lead, where activists have had nearly carte blanche since the early 1990s. Thus, at John Glenn Middle School in Bedford, for example, pink triangles adorn classroom doors, and a rainbow flag flies over the school during “gay pride” festivities. In Newton, parents discovered that first-grade teacher David Gaita had “come out” to his students and told them he was homosexual and loved men “the way your mom and dad love each other.” And in Brookline, MA lesbian eighth-grade teacher Deb Allen told National Public Radio that she explicitly teaches her students about lesbian sex, including the use of sex toys.

Is it any wonder that parents are pulling their children out of our government run public indoctrination camps (i.e. Public Schools) in record numbers or that our public schools themselves are a dismal failure?

Read the entire article here.