I have not seen the ABC 9-11 Docu-drama but have heard that it is neither kind to Clinton nor Bush.

Having said that, I can understand why Clinton is fighting through surrogates such as Sens Shumer and Reid who are threatening to pull ABC’s licensing if they air the 9-11 program. If I were Slick I’d be a concerned myself.

For anybody who is not intimately familiar with Clinton’s total incompetence and derelicition of duty in dealing appropriately with terrorism as president and preventing future attacks such as 9-11 (which he had more than one opportunity to do), this movie is likely to be another reminder of how the Clinton Administration failed to protect and defend our nation. Not something Clinton wants to come out as it will likely tarnish whatever “legacy” he believes he has and not something Democrats want to come out with an election right around the corner which will be largely about who can better defend our nation against Jihadism.

As I recount in my book “Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies,” the 9-11 Commission Report details clearly:

How Clinton treated terrorism during the 90s as a “law enforcement” issue ignoring the vast majority of the terrorist attacks (USS Cole, Khobar Towers, World Trade Center, Embasy Bombings, etc…)

How Clinton failed to capture and/or kill Osama bin Ladin on more than 2 ccasions when he had the chance. Once in May of 1999 in Khandahar when Senior military officials claim the White House told them not to fire (on Osama) despite nobody at the Pentagon or CIA who thought it was a bad gamble. Now we know from Buzz Paterson who worked for Clinton that it was b/c Clinton was on the golf course that day and could not be bothered. Clinton himself admitted at a fund raiser in Long Island that he had the chance to extradite Osama from Sudan and didn’t feel he had proper “legal justification.” (Hmmmm, the fact that he declared war on our country seems to be “justification” enough for me but what do I know)

How Bill Clinton only met with the CIA twice in the White House in 8 years (less than he met with the most frequent guest- other than Monica- to the White House- one of the biggest terrorists in the world Yassar Arafat.

How Bill Clinton’s Justice Dept under Reno and Goerellick constructed the infamous “wall of separation” which impeded the CIA and FBI from sharing important and actionable terrorist related intelligence information which could have enabled us to “connect the dots” and which would have led to the apprehension of Mohammud Atta- titular leader of the 9-11 terrorists.

We now know that when all the Clinton obsequious toadies were saying that the Clinton affair with Lewnsky was just about “sex,” that it had far more serious implications for our country. While he played hide the salami with paid interns his daughter’s age, the terrorist threat grew culminating in 9-11 Attacks.

That is why Clinton doesn’t want the movie to be shown and that is why we can not trust liberal appeasement cut and run Democrats with our national security.

Show the movie and let the people decide. Funny how I don’t remember hearing too many liberals complaining about the totally fictitious “documentray” “Farenheit 9-11” from being aired. Where were they then? Oh that’s right. They were at the opening of the movie kissing Moore’s fat a– and inviting that Communist loving traitor to their private box at their Democrat Convention in 2004. That’s were they were.

Payback’s a bit–.