This is a great idea, three years too late, but a great idea nonetheless,

The Department of Defense is openly calling for corrections from major media outlets, and even noting when they refuse to publish letters to the editor.

The most recent was this past Tuesday, when the DOD published a letter, that the New York Times refused to run, which contained quotes from five generals (former CENTCOM commander Tommy Franks, current CENTCOM commander John Abizaid, MNF Commander George Casey, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers, as well as his successor, Peter Pace) that rebutted a New York Times editorial. This has been picked up by a number of bloggers who have been able to spread the Pentagon’s rebuttal â?? and the efforts of the New York Times to sweep it under the rug â?? across the country.

Strategy Page also notes the following,

The DOD is pushing back, not only putting out requests to correct the record (with the refusals published as well), but also citing stories of heroes that the media has failed to cover â?? usually two or three a week.

Hey, that seems like a great idea?

Milblogger Austin Bay has more thoughts on AlQaeda’s media war here.