Oh the audacity. Barack Obama’s campaign message is coming together nicely,

“Do as I say, not as I do”.

Even fits on a bumper sticker! He talks a good game about a different kind of politics, about ethics and transparency but what little we do know about Barack Obama shows that he has made a series of bad decisions when it comes to ethics.

Chicago Tribune: Questions stalk Obama’s portfolio

Controversy over Obama’s financial dealings could be particularly troubling to the senator because of his advocacy of high ethical standards, both in the state legislature and Congress. He also has benefited from a reformist image.


So, what’s the problem with Barack’s investments?

The investments that stirred concern involve two speculative stocks with business interests influenced by the government: AVI BioPharma, a biotech company, and SkyTerra Communications, a satellite communications company….AVI was developing a drug to fight avian flu, and two weeks after Obama purchased the stock he introduced legislation to increase funding to combat the virus, which was spreading in Asia at the time. SkyTerra received government permission to build a national wireless network on the day Obama purchased his shares.

Can you imagine the outcry if a Republican did this? Headlines would be talking about a “culture of corruption”, cozy relationships with K Street and industry lobbyists, they would be howling about Two Americas, one for the insiders and one for the rest of us chumps.

Barack’s explanations also leave something to be desired, so you think the media would be digging even harder,

Obama has said he was not involved in selecting the stocks and said they were held through a “quasi-blind trust.”

A “quasi-blind trust”?? It guess it depends on the definition of “quasi”? So far, the national media is largely silent, especially the network evening news. I suspect that will change, at least at CBS, who just hired a longtime Clinton ally as executive producer in yet another attempt to breathe life into little Katie Couric.

Will this story get the attention it deserves or will it be quickly forgotten like Barack’s shady land deal? You remember that, it was all over the papers. Wait…what, you hadn’t heard about Barack saving $300,000 thanks to a connected political campaign contributor who has since been indicted? No, really, how did you miss it? You must have blinked.

To catch up on Ethical Audacity #1, click here.