Michael’s recent Dispatch from Iraq, Bless The Beasts and The Children swept the blogosphere immediately following its publication. It was his most popular post since the epic Gates of Fire Dispatch in August 2005. The MSM has been conspicuously uninterested.

From Michael Yon,

As the investigation unfolds more pertinent details, I’ll continue to update the story. But the biggest question rippling across the internet—“Why hasn’t the mainstream media picked this up?”—is something only representatives of mainstream media can answer.

…But for those publications who actually had people embedded in Baqubah when the story first broke and still failed to cover it, their malaise is inexplicable. I do not know why all failed to report the murders and booby-trapped village: apparently no reporters bothered to go out there, even though it’s only about 3.5 miles from this base. Any one of the reporters currently in Baqubah could still go to these coordinates and follow his or her nose and find the gravesites.

Michael offers the story up on a silver platter for the media. Will they take it or continue to ignore it? I think we know the answer.

I humbly offer permission to media outlets to republish excerpts of the dispatch or the dispatch in its entirety, including my photographs from the story (if used as they are in the dispatch) at no cost during the month of July 2007. I only ask that the site receive proper attribution and that any publication taking me up on the offer email the website with the details.”

With all due respect Michael, if you want the media to pick up on the story, your offer should begin with the following,

Because I have such graphic, compelling evidence of the failed policies of the Bush administration, I humbly offer…