
Eleanor Clift,

Al Gore on the second ballot: A scenario that a few weeks ago seemed preposterous is beginning to look plausible to some nervous Democrats looking for a way out of the deadlock between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. It goes like this: We love them both, but neither is a sure bet when it comes to electability.

National Review’s John Derbyshire seems to agree,

Don’t think it couldn’t happen. Don’t, in fact, think it isn’t going to happen. The Democratic party has two lame candidates, without a dime’s worth of executive experience between them. Competing on the campaign trail, by August each will have thoroughly alienated the other’s supporters, and turned off the voting public. Meanwhile, in the wings, there is this guy who was vice president for eight years, who ran a campaign for the presidency and actually won it! (well, according to party lore). He looks presidential, with a fine strapping physique and a big square jaw. You’re hankering after moral authority? How about a Nobel Peace Prize, for crying out loud!!

A brokered convention would be great political theater, but it looks less likely with each passing Obama victory. Besides, do you really think Al Gore wants to give up the cushy life of an eco-millionaire for the stress and hassle of the presidency? Who needs to fight real enemies, like radical jihadists, when you can fight imaginary ones, like global warming?

When you are hailed as the savior of the planet, isn’t the presidency a step down?