My letter published in today’s Wall St. Journal:

Sen. Obama Has Already Defined His Values Clearly
In regard to Douglas E. Schoen’s “Obama and the Values Question Mark” (op-ed, May 12): Sen. Barack Obama’s “values” are anything but a “question mark.” In fact, we know what Sen. Obama “values” because he has told us.

We know that he values bigger, more intrusive government and higher taxes because he has proposed the largest tax hike in U.S. history and almost a trillion dollars in new spending. We know he values de facto open borders and blanket amnesty because he has consistently opposed construction of a border fence and is in favor of providing in-state tuition, health-care benefits, educational services, and welfare to illegal aliens.

We know he believes that we have lost in Iraq and is in favor of immediate troop withdrawal. We know that he believes that guns and religion are things that bitter Americans cling to. We know that his pastor and spiritual mentor for 20 years, who worked on his campaign, believes that 9/11 was an inside job, that the government spread the AIDs virus to kill blacks. We know Sen. Obama is also in favor of taxpayer-funded abortion on demand and opposes bans on killing infants born alive after a failed abortion attempt, putting him to the left of even the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League.

Mr. Schoen recommends that Sen. Obama “start wearing the flag lapel pin” to demonstrate his “patriotism” and talking tough on “crime” and “public safety.” Sen. Obama can. But it won’t change the fact that those of us who have been paying attention have a pretty good idea about the senator’s values.

Gregg Jackson
Los Angeles