It’s hard not to like Joe Biden the man. Sure, he’s a blowhard, a bit pompous and arrogant. He’s been in the Senate for 36 years. What else could he be?

However, his personal story is very compelling. Of all the pre-speech videos, his was the most effective. It’s hard not to admire a guy who came through what he did, the way he did. I have to say, while endearing, the story about riding the subway home from Washington to Deleware is wearing thin.

This silly line of “That’s not change, that’s more of the same” was awkward and ineffective. I know they want to tie McCain to Bush, but this is just plain ridiculous.

He’s most effective when attacking McCain specificly, which he did more than I thought he would. Attack dog is perhaps his most effective mode, especially in this setting, where he cannot be freewheeling.

He really went after McCain’s judgement tonight. This is going to be a tough race, and that is a good thing. It shouldn’t be easy to get the most important job in the world.

I was pleasantly surprised by how short the speech was. I thought it was effective. While I disagree with Biden on many issues, but I like him as a person. Is that ok to say these days?

As for the “surprise guest”, aren’t they just reinforcing the celebrity thing by bringing Barack out for a shout out? “Hillary Clinton rocked the house last night” Paging Arsenio. And more thing, I think Camille Paglia, a big Obama supporter, is on to something.