Vote Democrat: We promise higher taxes and weaker national defense!

Is that a bumper sticker or what? Apparently, the 2008 Democratic Party is working on some secret, bizarre plot to rehabilitate Jimmy Carter. They seem to be determined to make Carter appear to be a leader of Napoleonic proportions.

Our own Barney Frank is out today calling for a 25% reduction to,

A.) Pork Barrel Spending
B.) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac patronage
C.) The Defense Budget

If you answered C, congratulations.

Frank told the editorial board of the SouthCoast Standard-Times that he wanted to reduce defense spending by a quarter, meaning the United States would have to withdraw from Iraq sooner.

As insane as that sounds with two active wars going on, not to mention the generational struggle against Islamic extremism, Barney Frank is going to find some very helpful allies for his scary proposal, namely, the next president of the United States.

I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems.
I will not weaponize space.
I will slow our development of future combat systems.

How psyched must America’s enemies be that this crew is about to take over?