
Just in case you are still under the delusion that the Global Warming Climate Change Fanatics are all about the environment, comes this nugget from the UN.

U.N. says poor nations need $130B for climate change EVERY YEAR

POZNAN, Poland (AP) — The U.N. climate change organization has said the world’s poor countries will need $130 billion dollars a year by 2030 to help them adapt to global warming and curb their carbon emissions. The U.N. says rich countries (ed. note: that’s you and me) need to increase their payments over the next 20 years to six times the funds available now, which is about $21 billion.

This is largest attempted power grab in world history. Controlling the world’s economies in the name of a Global Warming Climate Change. We heard a lot in the campaign about “redistribution of wealth”. The Global Warming Climate Change Fanatics want control over every aspect of global commerce and they are simply drumming up fear about environmental catastrophe and doomsday scenarios as a way to do it.

Oh, one more thing the Fanatics should really consider…that the SUN might have something to do with the earth’s temperatures. Imagine. The Sun? Who knew?

Sun’s Magnetic Field May Impact Weather And Climate

The sun’s magnetic field may have a significant impact on weather and climatic parameters in Australia and other countries in the northern and southern hemispheres. According to a study in Geographical Research, the droughts are related to the solar magnetic phases and not the greenhouse effect.

Bruce at QandO quips,

I love that first sentence – “…may have a significant impact on weather and climatic parameters in Australia and other countries in the northern and southern hemispheres.”

Uh, you mean ‘the world’?

Hat Tip: QandO