First, White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod referred to the Tea Party protests as “an element of disaffection that can mutate into something unhealthy.” Really? Will angrry taxpeayers end up on a Homeland Security watchlist or something?

Obama must have been trying to prevent some “unhealthy mutaton” from taking place, so he tried to assuage the potential terrorists taxayers by announcing some real fiscal discipline.

$100 million in cuts on $3.6 Trillion in spending. That’s two-hundreths of one percent. So draconian! Obama’s Mini Me, Deval Patrick, is trying to pull the same stunt in Massachusetts. He’s added 5,000 jobs to the state payroll and then acts like a hero when he lets 150 people go. Gee, thanks.

Just how insulting is this feeble, post Tea Party gesture by President Obama?


He got elected leader of the free world on the power of meaningless words and a nice smile, so he must assume the voters are stupid.