As we do every Sunday at 9pm, we welcomed Bruce McQuain from QandO and the number one milblog Blackfive back to the show. Before we got to this weekend’s edition of Someone You Should Know, we spent a few weeks chatting about the week that was.

We discussed Obama’s decision to reverse himself on releasing the so-called “torture photos” and on the use of military tribunals. Yes, he flip-flopped, but what is most important is that he landed in the right place.

Unfortunately for Obama, his wise eversals were completely overshadowed by San Fran Nan and amateur hour press conference where she accused the CIA of regularly lying to Congress. Pelosi was left to twist in the wind by not only her number 2, Steney Hoeyer, who said “he did not reach that conclusion” about CIA briefings. CIA Director Panetta didn’t just throw her under the bus, he backed it up and ran over her again for good measue. Most importantly, President Obama left Pelosi twisting and alone.

Only a media that loses interest in the story can save Pelosi now. Odds of that happening, 50-50.

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