It is such a great honor to be able to read fascinating books and then have the opportunity to interview the authors in great detail with the authors. This week, we welcomed Pulitzer Prize winnner Ron Suskind, author of Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington and the education of a President.
This book gives an inside look at the first year of the Obama administration. Unprepared for office and unaware about the application of power, our young president has been run over by his far more seasoned staff. Who could have seen that coming? Certainly not the Beltway Intellegensia, who were in full swoon over Obama. Some of us saw this coming. Really, given his total lack of experience managing ANYTHING, how could it have turned out any different?
This book is the ideal companion to the Occupy movement as it explains in great detail the Wall Street crisis and the decisions made, and not made, by Obama. Let’s just say, when it came to changing Wall Street culture, he once again voted present. I’m convinced that if they passed this book out at the filthy Occupy sites, they would pack their tents and head for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
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