It was great to welcome back U.S. Senator Scott Brown to WRKO’s Pundit Review Radio. The topic of the night was returning veterans and the challenges they face finding work. We had Iraq vet Sam Bowlby and Vietnam vet Bruce Mcquain with us when Sen. Brown joined the conversation. He has been a leader on this issue and shared in a bipartisan victory for veterans this week,
WASHINGTON (AP) – Heralding a rare moment of bipartisan agreement, President Barack Obama signed into law Monday legislation aimed at helping unemployed veterans find work while putting more cash in the hands of companies with government contracts. The legislation, which creates tax breaks for companies that hire jobless veterans, marks the first proposal from Obama’s $447 billion jobs bill to be signed into law. The rest of the package of new taxes and spending has largely failed to garner support from Republican lawmakers. “Because Democrats and Republicans came together, I’m proud to sign those proposals into law,” Obama said during a signing ceremony Monday.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said passage of the bill showed that it is possible for both parties to reach a consensus….McConnell praised Obama for inviting Republican Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts to attend the ceremony. It was Brown who had introduced the 3 percent withholding bill.
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