Here are the direct phone numbers for the Massachusetts’ Congressional delegation. Each one of these Mass liberals support the Hagel-Martinez Senate Immigration Bill in which is, in essence, amnesty for the 11-15 million illegals in this country right now and as many as 65 million new immigrants who would come to our country within the next 20 years based on the four key provisions of their bill.

Now is the time to flood them with calls, voice mails, and e-mails! Be respectful but forceful. Demand that before we have any conversation and legislation regarding what to do with the 11-15 million illegals here now that we totally secure the border. No ifs, ands, or butts. Secure the border now!

Senator Kennedy- 202-224-4543
Senator Kerry- 202-224-2742

Rep. John W. Oliver- 202-225-5335
Rep. Richard Neal- 202-225-5601
Rep. James P McGovern- 202-225-6101
Barney Frank- 202-225-5931
Marty Meehan- 202-225-3411
John Tierney- 202-225-8020
Ed Markey- 202-225-2836
Michael Capuano- 202-225-5111
Stephen Lynch- 202-225-8273
William Delahunt- 202-225-3111