The over the top rhetoric and fanaticism of the global warming complex is one thing. It is another entirely when they elevate their cause to a point of pure fantasy at the expense of more difficult choices required by reality.

Bill ties climate to national security
Seeks assessments by CIA, Pentagon

WASHINGTON — The CIA and Pentagon would for the first time be required to assess the national security implications of climate change under proposed legislation intended to elevate global warming to a national defense issue.

The bipartisan proposal, which its sponsors expect to pass the Congress with wide support, calls for the director of national intelligence to conduct the first-ever “national intelligence estimate” on global warming.

Don’t we have about a half dozen other agencies that can obsess about global warming? Why does anyone think we can afford to add global warming to the plate of the CIA and Pentagon? What kind of bi-partisan support does this bill have? Who’s leading the charge?


Ed Markey, of course he is.