It might be. Or it might have a little something to do with this,

Volcanic eruptions reshape Arctic ocean floor: study

PARIS (AFP) – Recent massive volcanoes have risen from the ocean floor deep under the Arctic ice cap, spewing plumes of fragmented magma into the sea, scientists who filmed the aftermath reported Wednesday.

The eruptions — as big as the one that buried Pompei — took place in 1999 along the Gakkel Ridge, an underwater mountain chain snaking 1,800 kilometres (1,100 miles) from the northern tip of Greenland to Siberia.

Bruce McQuain of QandO points out the following,

Apparently science was convinced this couldn’t happen at the depths involved. Seems research was wrong. Sound familiar?

This is just another indication why it is insanity to rush towards the proposed, dracaonian solutions to global warming, when the research and scientific debate is so fluid, no matter what Al Gore says about it being “over”.