I welcomed my friend Jonathan Lewis back to the show this weekend. Jonathan is a liberal and someone I really enjoy talking politics with. Last time he was on, the conversation was mostly about the fine art of political discourse, agreeing to disagree without becoming disagreeable. That said, we never did get around to disagreeing […]
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I’ve enjoyed his Washington DC reporting and commentary for a long time and last night finally had the opportunity to welcome Matt Lewis of Politics Daily to Pundit Review Radio. Matt attended CPAC and I wanted to get his impressions of the event, from the speakers to the topics to the energy and optimism of […]
Who wants to put aside for a few minutes The Age of Obama, and take a look back at The Age of Reagan instead? I thought so. Joining me last night was Steven F. Hayward, one of the country’s leading experts on the Reagan presidency, who has written an exhaustive two volume biography titled The […]
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This is the first post of a new category, This Day in History. It is amazing how relevant history can be to current events. I said on WRKO Sunday night that the Reagan mythology is hurting today’s Republicans. This came up when a caller or two compared Sarah Palin to Ronald Reagan. I had a […]
On Inauguration Day, conservative commentator and author David Frum launched an exciting new venture called, “a site dedicated to the reform and renewal of the Republican party and the conservative movement.” Good timing indeed. It was a real pleasure to speak with David, someone I’ve long admired for his thoughtful commentary. I like what […]
Those is the GOP establishment political and media elite including Karl Rove, the Bushies, Tony Perkins, Gary Bauer, James Bopp, Jay Sekulow, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt, Bill Bennett, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, NRO, Human Events, and the Weekly Standard, among others have been diligently advancing the argument that McCain needs to shore up […]
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